Using the HYPE Framework by Joshua Davis & Branden Hall, a character named Julius, straight from my Moleskine sketchbook, was brought to life with sound and generative motion.

Julius himself, the original drawing/painting
Using the HYPE Framework for Flash AS3, I “animated” a page of my Moleskine sketchbook, with elements of the artwork responding to frequencies and octaves of the audio file, connected with ActionScript.
This was a fun piece to make because everything is sort of connected together. I drew “Julius" in July (hence the name) - He represents that specific month for me - the God of temporary summer love/romance with two little devils for his wings: the left being the good and the calm & the right being the bad and angry one.
My instructor A. Tedford provided me with some of the dinosaur drawings his 7 year old boy Mason makes and he digitally colors - check out his site at Yefos - and I incorporated them into the theme. I chose “Summer Escape" by Sunlounger for the music and I remastered it in Logic Pro while adding dinosaur roars and the one liner "Julius, watch out for Mason’s dinosaurs”.
Thus, the theme was complete: Julius is trying to escape the dinosaurs by shooting at them with his eyes.
That is his Summer Escape.